Chelsea Hutchison Foundation
The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation serves individuals, families and communities affected by epilepsy by raising Awareness of the common yet little-known condition SUDEP.
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Chive Charities
A 501(c)3 charity, Chive Charities provides life-changing grants to underprivileged veterans, military families, first responders, and individuals with uncommon medical diagnoses.
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Epilepsy Foundation
Improve the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection. 301-459-3700
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Hope Kids
HopeKids provides ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life threatening medical condition. 800.319.5845
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Make A Wish
A wish has the power to restore childhood, to show the child a life full of possibilities and encourage them to dream of the future. But we can’t grant wishes without the support of people like you. 602 834 3135
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Miracle Flights
Miracle Flights provides free commercial flights to sick children and their families in need of life-saving medical care not found in their home communities. 800-359-1711
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National Organization for Rare Disorders
Across NORD, we adhere to a shared vision that guides our efforts to help improve the health and wellbeing of people with rare diseases. 617-249-7300