Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation supports people with epilepsy and their families by increasing awareness of SUDEP, or Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy, a condition that is common but not well-known. It also offers equipment and support to prevent this kind of death, creates a safe space for people with epilepsy, and raises awareness in the larger community.

Epilepsy Foundation

“Improve the lives of people affected by epilepsy through education, advocacy, research, and connection.” The Epilepsy Foundation has been shedding light on epilepsy for almost 50 years through sponsoring epileptic research, raising awareness and understanding, and advocating for laws that affect those who have the condition.

In order to enable individuals with rare diseases to have the greatest possible lives, NORD works toward lasting, significant, and practical change. To strengthen the community affected by rare diseases, we improve care, push policy, and advance research on a daily basis in a deliberate and comprehensive approach.


National Organization for Rare Disorders 

In order to enable individuals with rare diseases to have the greatest possible lives, NORD works toward lasting, significant, and practical change. To strengthen the community affected by rare diseases, we improve care, push policy, and advance research on a daily basis in a deliberate and comprehensive approach.


Miracle Flights

Over 150,000 complimentary flights have been arranged for those in need of transformative healthcare that is not accessible in their local areas since our founding in 1985. We have assisted families all around the nation during the course of our 35-year existence.

Hope Kids

Take on the role of a HopeKid!
Your kid may qualify as a HopeKid if they are a child aged 0 to 18 and have cancer or another life-threatening illness that could take their life, such as a malignant, degenerative, or progressive condition. Our program would be delighted to have your family involved.



Make-A-Wish has granted children with life-threatening illnesses hundreds of thousands of wishes that have changed their lives. Wishes for events that transform families’ lives forever, fortitude to endure hardships, and hope throughout trying times.

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